lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Ulexite, Boronatrocalcita

Name of product : Ulexite (Boronatrocalcita)
Commercial name : Ulex 35
Offer to sell 1000 M/T Ulex 35% and 45%

Physical properties
Physical aspect : Powder/Granulated
Color : white - gray
Particle size: <1mm o:p="o:p">

Laboratory Analisis
Product : Ulex 35
Chemical Formula : (CaNaH12)(BO3)5.2H2O)
B2O3               30 - 35%
Na2O               12 - 13 %
CaO                10 - 13 %
Fe2O3             0,04 - 0,07%
Cl                     6 - 9 %
SO3                1,06- 2,15 %
SiO2 + res       0,27 - 0,42%
Moisture:      5%-10%

Ulexita 45%
Parameter                Minimun      Maximun
BORON OXIDE B2O3    45%          48%
CHLORINE Cl                    7%           9%
SULPHATE SO4             0.2%        0.40%
Arsenic As ppm         45ppm        70ppm
MOISTURE (Humidity)  0%        0.10%
Agriculture field :
Because of it's properties ulexite gets great results on agriculture as a good component to make different micronutrients and fertilizers.
Talking about agriculture, ulexite can offer it's goodness both products for microfoliar aplications and fertilizers to soil aplications.

Fries : Calcined ulexite is also used to make fries not only to ceramic industry but also to fiberglass industry.